Happiness Is A Game Of Fetch

sylvia heisel
2 min readNov 3, 2020


Why We’re Building DogPark

On a recent zoom for female CEO’s the focus turned to wellness and the importance of being good to yourself. We were each asked to submit something we do for ourselves to feel good. The results were pretty much what you would expect: yoga, meditation, socially distanced spa treatments, and exercise. Despite regular running, meditation, and yoga I was stumped, finally typing “not sure” into the chat. To my mind these things are maintenance; I do them as often as possible to keep from falling apart. They are vitally important but a 30-minute run isn’t exactly a treat.

The session stayed in my head. Is my perception of happiness skewed? Am I so out of touch with my senses that I can’t see how precious and special that 10 minutes a day of concentrating on my breathing actually is?

Then a dirty slimy ball dropped at my feet and a pair of big brown eyes instructed me to drop the computer and play. Happiness:)

There are very few studies on the mental health benefits of playing with pets but my co-founder and I have found few things in life that take us further out of our daily grind and guarantee a feel-good moment than playing with an animal. Fetch, tug, snuggle, squirm, flirt, and playfully growl. 100% in the moment with a smile.

We believe playing with your dog is a wellness activity. But, like many other wellness activities, getting enough play can be difficult. Finding the right time and place to play with your dog can be challenging, especially if you’re an urban dog parent.

DogPark Production exists to make you and your dog happier by making it easier for the two of you to play.



sylvia heisel
sylvia heisel

Written by sylvia heisel

fashion designer - digitals, wearables, 3D printing, sustainability, and lots of dogs

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